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Asked by: Lavenia Sudhindranath
travel travel accessoriesDoes Delta allow skateboards as carry on?
In this way, can I carry a skateboard on a plane?
You can bring your skateboard on a plane as long as you bring it as a carry on or checked baggage. For carry on, the length may not exceed 62 inches and should weigh less than 50 pounds. If your skateboard fits under the seat you don't need a bag. Wheels should be facing up under the seat to prevent it from rolling.
In this manner, does a skateboard count as a personal item?
Skateboards are allowed as checked baggage and standard baggage policies apply. Skateboard may be substituted for a carry on or a checked bag. If the skateboard fits under the seat, it does not need to be in a bag or covered, but it does have to be stowed with the wheels up so that it doesn't roll.
Weight restrictions at no extra charge vary by cabin. Main Cabin passengers should follow the standard 50 lb limit per piece. Delta One, First, and Business passengers should follow the 70 lb limit per piece.