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Asked by: Janee Evert
hobbies and interests paranormal phenomenaDoes difficulty affect loot in Skyrim?
Similarly one may ask, does changing difficulty Skyrim affect anything?
In Skyrim, there are five difficultysettings: Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Expert, and Master. InSkyrim, the difficulty sliders do two things:they decrease the amount of damage that the player's attacksdo to enemies, and increase the amount of damage done byenemies to the player.
Skyrim Edit.
Difficulty | Player Damage Dealt | Player Damage Taken |
Adept | 1x | 1x |
Expert | 0.75x | 1.5x |
Master | 0.5x | 2x |
Legendary | 0.25x | 3x |
Correspondingly, does difficulty affect experience in Skyrim?
2 Answers. On it's own, altering the difficultydoes not affect skill gain rates. What it doesaffect is damage done and received, which adjusts the rate ittakes to learn offensive and defensive skills.
There are 6 difficulty settings, accessible fromthe Journal (Journal > System > Settings > Gameplay):Novice (very easy), Apprentice (easy), Adept (normal), Expert(hard), Master (very hard), and Legendary (pro). Easier settingscause your attacks to be more powerful and enemies' attacks to beless powerful.