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Asked by: Adita Jaspart
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesDoes drinking water prevent dehydration?
Also, what can I drink to prevent dehydration?
Follow these four steps to prevent dehydration:
- Drink plenty of water, as directed by your doctor.
- Eat foods with high amounts of water like fruits andvegetables.
- Avoid or limit drinks with caffeine like coffee, teas and softdrinks.
- Avoid or limit drinks with alcohol.
Similarly, you may ask, can you be dehydrated Even if you drink a lot of water?
But unfortunately, hydration is not as simpleas drinking water. It's possible to still bedehydrated after drinking a lot of water. Thebiggest signs that you're dehydrated includeinability to sweat, dry skin, bad breath, dark pee, and urinationless than six times a day.
Treatments. Dehydration must be treated byreplenishing the fluid level in the body. This can be done byconsuming clear fluids such as water, clear broths, frozen water orice pops, or sports drinks (such as Gatorade). Somedehydration patients, however, will require intravenousfluids in order to rehydrate.