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Asked by: Zocueca Bañol
technology and computing searchDoes Echo dot 3rd generation have a battery?
Herein, does the Amazon Echo dot 3rd generation have a battery?
Product Description. Powerful stereo speaker driversandan integrated battery allow you to enhance yourmusicanywhere and free your Dot from its power cable.Suitablefor use with Amazon Echo Dot 3rdGeneration.
In this way, does the Echo dot 3rd generation have to be plugged in?
You don't necessarily need to rely ontheDot's built-in speaker, of course. You can pairitwith your favorite Bluetooth speaker, and Amazon equippeditwith a 3.5mm auxiliary output so you can plug it intoanyself-powered speaker or even an amplifier or A/V receiver(you'llneed to provide your own cable).
The echo has no internal battery, somustbe plugged in to work.