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Asked by: Ekhiñe Baibikoff
careers career adviceDoes Facebook keep track of who you searched for?
Facebook does not allow you to know whohasviewed your profile or who has searched for you onthenetwork. In the same way, if you look for someoneelse,they won't be able to tell -- peoplesearches,together with any other searches you runon Facebook,are kept private and are not shown toanyoneelse.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what does you searched for on Facebook?
When you search for something onFacebook,the site automatically saves your queries to makeit easier foryou to find things later. You, and onlyyou,can see what you've searched for. Atleast, that'sthe intention.
In this manner, can I know who searched me on Instagram?
No, this is not possible, wheneveranyonesearches for a person, that person will not anynotificationfor this. However, You can get to know,Who hasViewed your Instagram Profile/Status.
Facebook Timeline lets you see who hasunfriendedyou
- Get the new Facebook Timeline feature.
- Choose a prior year on your Facebook Timeline and click onthenumber of friends you connected with that year in theFriendsbox.
- Click on the "Made x New Friends" list - anyone with anAddFriend link next to their name either unfriended you, oryouunfriended them.