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Asked by: Rahima Hoever
technology and computing social networkingDoes Facebook own my photos 2019?
Keeping this in view, does Facebook own my photos?
Let's start by getting on the same basic page:no,Facebook doesn't own your photos. That'snothow copyright or real life works. They're still yourphotos,not Facebook's. In fact, it's right inFacebook'sterms of service: “You own all of thecontent andinformation you post onFacebook.“
Subsequently, question is, can Facebook use your photos without permission?
No, it doesn't. “Owns” indicatescopyright,and you still retain all copyrights for thatphoto.Essentially, Facebook, or anyone else onFacebook,cannot sell a photo that you posted and ownthe copyrightof. You still own the copyrights to those, but youhave givenFacebook permission to reuse them withoutbeingsued.
To protect your photos from beingcopied,use the privacy settings feature to stop people fromhaving access.However, keep in mind that you cannot stop anyone yougive viewingprivileges to from downloading your images. Log intoyourFacebook account and go to the "Profile" link at the topofany screen.