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Asked by: Tayisiya Yunibarbia
hobbies and interests beekeepingDoes Florida have monarch butterflies?
Similarly, you may ask, are there monarch butterflies in Florida?
In Florida, we see migrating monarchs in spring and fall, but also see year-round butterflies who take advantage of our warm climate and the prevalence of non-native tropical milkweed (Asclepias curassavica). This species has showy flowers, is easy to grow and reliably attracts monarchs.
Moreover, how long do monarch butterflies live in Florida?
Monarchs have about four generations a year. While monarchs usually live about six weeks, the generation that overwinters in Mexico lives about nine months.
The butterflies now in coastal California are the descendents of insects that left last spring and laid eggs along their route to the Sierra Nevada, Oregon, Washington and highlands of Arizona. Monarchs produce four to five generations a year, each with their own own urge to move.