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Asked by: Soumaila Hueltes
events and attractions political eventDoes Florida have provisional ballots?
Simply so, what is a provisional ballot in Florida?
Vote a provisional ballot Voter refutes the Supervisor of Electionsofficeconfirmation that they are not registered or eligible. Thereis anindication on the precinct register that the voter hasrequested avote by mail ballot and the voter does nothave aballot to submit.
Consequently, do provisional ballots get counted?
Once cast, provisional ballots are keptseparatefrom other ballots and are not tabulated untiltheeligibility of the voter is confirmed within a certain timeafterElection Day. Provisional ballots where the voterisdetermined to be ineligible are rejected andnotcounted.
There are also differences in the rate inwhichprovisional ballots are counted in presidentialelectionsversus midterm elections. Nearly 79 percent ofprovisionalballots issued were counted in midterm yearsandapproximately 69 percent were countedduringpresidential years.