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Asked by: Youssaf Somoza
technology and computing wearable technologyDoes Garmin Vivosport have GPS?
Likewise, does the Garmin Vivosmart have GPS?
Garmin just announced the newVivosmartHR+, an upgraded version of one of the company'sflagshipwrist-worn fitness trackers. The new model comes with aGPSradio, and is now able to automatically detect and trackyouractivities thanks to the inclusion of the company's MoveIQsoftware.
Also, how do I turn on GPS on my Garmin Vivosport?
Changing the Satellite Setting
- Select the action key.
- Select Settings > Sensors > GPS.
- Select the toggle switch to enable GPS. NOTE: The devicedoesnot use GPS unless you are recording an outdoor activity.
- Select .
- Select the toggle switch to enable GLONASS.
Garmin Elevate HeartRateAccuracy However, please note, this technology is still not100%accurate. It's very, very good, we'd guesstimate it'sabout95% accurate for about 95% of the time. If you want toknowmore, please read our report comparing chest strap versusopticalheart rate sensors.