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Asked by: Everette Loehmann
technology and computing wearable technologyDoes Gear VR have head tracking?
Correspondingly, is Samsung Gear VR compatible with iPhone?
There is no VR operating systemforiOS Although we can expect to see more andmoreAR-compatible iOS apps thanks to ARKit, there are notrueVR apps. The Samsung Gear VR includes aOculuslaunch app, along with stores from both SamsungandOculus. But Samsung Gear VR doesn't workwithiPhone.
- Samsung Galaxy Note 5.
- Samsung Galaxy S6.
- Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge.
- Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+
- Samsung Galaxy S7.
- Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.
- Samsung Galaxy S8 (just with the included USB-C adapter)
- Samsung Galaxy S8+ (just with the included USB-C adapter)
Thereof, how does VR tracking work?
Head tracking system in VR headsetsfollowsthe movements of your head to sides and angles. It assignsX, Y, Zaxis to directions and movements, and involves toolslikeaccelerometer, gyroscope, a circle of LEDs (around the headsettoenable the outside camera).
For the past three years, Samsung and Oculus'GearVR mobile-based VR headset has onlybeencompatible with two types of Samsung smartphone:theflagship Galaxy S series and the enlarged Note series.Butthat changes with the release of the new Galaxy A8.TheA8 features 4GB RAM while the A8+ holds6GBRAM.