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Asked by: Suzana Baluja
personal finance student financial aidDoes Georgia Tech have a good engineering program?
Thereof, is Georgia Tech Good for engineering?
Georgia Institute of Technology's ranking in the2020 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, #29. Itshighly ranked graduate schools include the College ofEngineering and Scheller College of Business. GeorgiaTech is very active in research.
Similarly one may ask, what majors is Georgia Tech known for?
The most popular majors at Georgia Instituteof Technology include: Engineering; Computer and InformationSciences and Support Services; Business, Management, Marketing, andRelated Support Services; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; andPhysical Sciences.
The Stamps President's Scholars Program is GeorgiaTech's premier merit-based scholarship.Recipients are selected from the top applicants for admission toGeorgia Tech based on demonstrated excellence inscholarship, leadership, progress, and service as describedon the Stamps President's Scholars Program web page.