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Asked by: Wiktoria Riservato
technology and computing photo editing softwareDoes Google pixel come with unlimited storage?
Herein, do you get unlimited storage with Google Pixel?
Google's promise of unlimited storage forthe newly launched Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL isn't sofree and open after all. Pixel owners, on the other hand,get a little reprieve. They can upload all of theirphotos and videos at full resolution for free, "original quality"in Google's lexicon. That is, until 2020.
Keeping this in view, does pixel 3 come with unlimited storage?
For Pixel 3 and 3 XL users, Google offersunlimited photo and video storage at their originalresolution. This is a huge deal, since photos and videos eatup the majority of our phone's storage. Google willonly to save photos and videos at their full resolution until Jan.31, 2022.
Google gives you 15GB of free space in GoogleDrive, which seems like a pretty good deal compared toDropbox's 2GB and Box's 10GB. But there's a catch -- that 15GBlimit includes not only your Google Drive, but also yourGmail account (messages and attachments) and GooglePhotos.