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Asked by: Ranjit Mocholi
technology and computing web conferencingDoes GoToWebinar include GoToMeeting?
Considering this, are GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar the same?
GoToWebinar, however, can accommodate up to 1000.You can interact in a conversational way with your attendees inGoToMeeting, while GoToWebinar allows you to requireyour audience to “raise their hand” to be heard.Attendees cannot communicate with each other inGoToWebinar.
Also to know is, do you have to pay for GoToMeeting?
GoToMeeting Starter allows you to hostmeetings with up to 10 participants and costs $14 monthly (billedannually at $171). Our most popular option, GoToMeeting Procosts $29 per month (billed annually at $348). Sign up for a freetrial of GoToMeeting and enjoy access to all of ourtop-notch features.
Zoom is simpler. Zoom offers larger groupvideo chats. Zoom offers better interoperability.Zoom even offers a free version of its package, whileGoToMeeting will charge you for everything but its 14-daytrial period.