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Asked by: Arcangela Close
family and relationships divorceDoes having joint custody lower child support payments?
Keeping this in view, do I pay child support if I have 50 custody?
If parents have achildequally—50% of the time, each—acourt may notorder either parent to pay child support. Theywouldstill owe some child support, even though theysplitphysical custody evenly.
Simply so, does a father pay child support with 50 50 custody?
Both parents can take care of the childrenquitewell with their respective 50% childcustody.However, if the lower earning parent wants topetition thecourt for extra money in the form of childsupport, theycan do it and they will get itaccording to thechild support formula in theirstate.
Both parents are legally responsible for thefinancialcosts of bringing up children. If you split up,youmay have to pay maintenance if you don'thaveday-to-day care of any children you have. TheChildMaintenance Service (CMS) can arrangemaintenance underthe 2012 Child MaintenanceScheme.