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Asked by: Valko Barnfeld
food and drink desserts and bakingDoes Hershey still make Krackel bars?
Also to know is, are Krackel and crunch the same?
Nestlé Crunch vs. Hershey'sKrackel On the other hand, adults favored Krackel forits intense dark chocolate and pronounced puffed rice flavor andcrunch. "The combination of the dark and bold-tastingchocolate and the puffed rice brings out an unexpected nuttyundertone, said one adult.
Furthermore, who makes Krackel candy bars?
Krackel. With its crisped rice and mouthwateringchocolate, Krackel Chocolate Bar has withstood the'taste' of time. Krackel is a chocolate bar made byThe Hershey Company.
While candy bars with crisped rice like Crunch orKrackel contain naturally gluten-free rice,they also usually contain malt syrup which comes from barley and istherefore not a safe option.