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Asked by: Zygmunt Fombuena
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesDoes hibiscus tea need to be refrigerated?
In this manner, how long can tea sit out before it goes bad?
There is a rule from 1996 by the Centers forDiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC) that states teas shouldnot bekept for more than 8 hours in the fridge. That is a safeamount oftime and your tea will be fine after 8hours.
Likewise, how long should I steep hibiscus tea?
Hibiscus tea tastes great on its own,however.Leave the tea to steep for five minutes. Thisis theeasy part — all you need to do is wait. Aboutfiveminutes should be long enough for the flowers togivethe water a somewhat tart taste and a pleasantredcolor.
Side effects of hibiscus are uncommonbutmight include temporary stomach upset or pain, gas,constipation,nausea, painful urination, headache, ringing in theears, orshakiness. Diabetes: Hibiscus might decrease bloodsugarlevels.