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Asked by: Chaoping Bittner
hobbies and interests woodworkingDoes ice guard go over or under drip edge?
In respect to this, does tar paper go over or under drip edge?
The drip edge should be over the paper at the eaves, and under along the rake. mroberson: Its a TRAP! Back in my construction days, I learned that you place the tar paper OVER the drip edge on the eaves so if moisture gets through the shingles, it does not get under the drip edge.
Besides, does Ice and Water Shield go over felt?
Many shingle guarantees require roofing felt because it makes the shingles last longer. Fourth, you need to put a drip edge on the remaining sloped sides of the roof, over the building paper and over the ice and water shield. Then you put on the shingles.
Install roof drip edge along the eaves, add underlayment, then place drip edge along the gable end. The best way is to install the roof drip edge only along the eaves first, then place ice-and-water barrier (in the snowbelt) or felt paper (underlayment) over the drip edge.