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Asked by: Akier Aldomar
technology and computing emailDoes in transit mean it will be delivered today?
Thereof, what does in transit mean for USPS?
It literally means that…your package IS ONA TRUCK AND IN TRANSIT from one location to another. If itreaches your local PO, then they will scan it and update it to“out for delivery” and you can expect it thatday.
Beside above, how long does it take for a package to arrive when its in transit?
Average arrival time is 2 - 4 days withdelivery confirmation. USPS Priority Mail: for mostpackages. Average arrival time is 1 - 3 dayswith delivery confirmation. USPS Express Mail: for packagesthat need to get to their destination quickly.
When your shipment is in transit, it meansthe courier company picked the parcel up and yourshipment is on it's to the delivery address. Thepackage stays in transit until the driverdelivers it. After a given time, the parcel isreleased and it continues its transit.