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Asked by: Eustoquia Lafarga
technology and computing computer networkingDoes IPv6 have subnet mask?
Also question is, what is the subnet mask for IPv6?
6: You don't need a traditional subnet mask In an IPv6 address, the first 48 bits are the network prefix. The next 16 bits are the subnet ID and are used for defining subnets. The last 64 bits are the interface identifier (which is also known as the Interface ID or the Device ID).
Keeping this in consideration, why do we subnet IPv6?
IPv6 - Subnetting. This results in multiple subnets but less hosts per subnet. That is, when we borrow host bits to create a subnet, it costs us in lesser bit to be used for host addresses. IPv6 addresses use 128 bits to represent an address which includes bits to be used for subnetting.
Private IPv6 addresses They are unicast addresses, but contain a 40-bit random number in the routing prefix to prevent collisions when two private networks are interconnected. Despite being inherently local in usage, the IPv6 address scope of unique local addresses is global.