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Asked by: Jessy Vasudev
medical health substance abuseDoes isopropyl alcohol kill fungal spores?
Furthermore, does isopropyl alcohol kill mold spores?
Isopropyl alcohol cleans wood, linoleum, tile, glass and sealed surfaces of mold and mildew stains and spores. Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) makes a great mold and mildew remover. Dip a clean cloth in rubbing alcohol and wring out OR. Using the spray bottle, spray the stained area.
Also, is isopropyl alcohol safe for extraction?
It's worth mentioning that Isopropyl alcohol isn't recommended for cannabis extraction, it's toxic and personally I wouldn't ingest or consume oil made with it in any way other than a topical application (external use only).
Although alcohol will not prevent more mold from growing back, it will kill any existing mold and mold spores. Any form of alcohol, including vodka and rubbing alcohol will kill mold and are cheaper than other alternatives.