Asked by: Durvasa Marik
science chemistry

Does it matter from which direction an equilibrium position is reached?

This always occurs when a reaction reaches equilibrium. No, it doesn't matter from which direction the equilibrium position is reached. Both experiments will give the same equilibrium position because both experiments started with stoichiometric amounts of reactants or products.

Furthermore, how is the equilibrium position of this reaction affected?

In the equilibrium chemical reaction heat is on the reactants side. So, change in temperature brings a change in the position of the equilibrium. When temperature is lowered, there will be a shortage of heat required to carry out the reaction. So, the equilibrium shifts to left to offset the effect.

Furthermore, in which direction will the equilibrium shift if NaOH is added? left

Similarly, which direction will the reaction proceed to reach equilibrium?

If Q = Keq, the reaction is at equilibrium. If Q < Keq, the reaction will move to the right (in the forward direction) in order to reach equilibrium. If Q > Keq, the reaction will move to the left (in the reverse direction) in order to reach equilibrium.

What does increasing temperature do to equilibrium?

Increasing the temperature decreases the value of the equilibrium constant. Where the forward reaction is endothermic, increasing the temperature increases the value of the equilibrium constant. The position of equilibrium also changes if you change the temperature.

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How do you know which way a reaction shifts?

Q can be used to determine which direction a reaction will shift to reach equilibrium. If K > Q, a reaction will proceed forward, converting reactants into products. If K < Q, the reaction will proceed in the reverse direction, converting products into reactants. If Q = K then the system is already at equilibrium.

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Saturated Ammonium Chloride: What is the evidence for a shift in equilibrium? The presence of a flaky white precipitate.

Anghelus Zhavrid


What affects chemical equilibrium?

Changes in concentration, temperature, and pressure can affect the position of equilibrium of a reversible reaction. A decrease in the concentration of one or more of the reactants, or an increase of the concentration of the products, causes the system to shift toward the reactants.

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What are 3 factors that can cause stress to a system causing equilibrium to shift?

Three types of stresses can alter the composition of an equilibrium system: adding or removing reactants or products, changing the total pressure or volume, and changing the temperature of the system.

Torcuato Olcoz


What is equilibrium position?

the equilibrium position: The point in a chemical reaction at which the concentrations of reactants and products are no longer changing.

Brittni Neumayer


How does removing a product affect equilibrium?

When additional product is added, the equilibrium shifts to reactants to reduce the stress. If reactant or product is removed, the equilibrium shifts to make more reactant or product, respectively, to make up for the loss.

Gaspare Chicken


What is equilibrium constant K?

the equilibrium constant, also known as K eq, is defined by the following expression: where [A] is the molar concentration of species A at equilibrium, and so forth. The coefficients a, b, c, and d in the chemical equation become exponents in the expression for K eq.

Romeu Pflucher


What does KEQ mean?

Keq just tells you what will be favoured at equilibrium. Since Keq = [products]/[reactants] a large value of k (k>>1) means the reaction will favour the products a lot more, meaning when the reaction reached equilibrium you will have mostly products.

Bhima Huysmann


What does Q mean in Chem?

reaction quotient

Yingjie Kerckhofs


What is the difference between Q and K?

The difference between K and Q is that, K is the constant of a certain reaction when it is in equilibrium, while Q is the quotient of activities of products and reactants at any stage of a reaction. Therefore, by comparing Q and K, we can determine the direction of a reaction.

Karmelo Kosiuszk


What is the difference between KC and QC?

Qc and Kc are calculate the same way, but Qc is used to determine which direction a reaction will proceed, while Kc is the equilibrium constant (the ratio of the concentrations of products and reactants when the reaction is at equilibrium).

Yissel Husson


How does a reaction quotient differ from an equilibrium constant?

The reaction quotient is given by the same equation as the equilibrium constant (concentration of products divided by concentration of reactants), but its value will fluctuate as the system reacts, whereas the equilibrium constant is based on equilibrium concentrations.

Yossef Meakin


What is the equilibrium constant for the reverse reaction?

The equilibrium expression written for a reaction written in the reverse direction is the reciprocal of the one for the forward reaction. K' is the constant for the reverse reaction and K is that of the forward reaction.

Equation Equilibrium Constant
N2(g) + O2(g) NO2(g) Kc = 4.1 x 10-9

Khaira Segui


What is reaction quotient how the direction of reaction can be predicted with it?

The reaction Quotient (Q) is used to determine whether a system is at equilibrium and if it is not, to predict the direction of reaction. The reaction Quotient (Q or Qp) has the same form as the equilibrium constant expression, but it is derived from concentrations obtained at any time.

Neringa Leache


How do you know which side is favored in equilibrium?

A comparison of Q with K indicates which way the reaction shifts and which side of the reaction is favored:
  1. If Q>K, then the reaction favors the reactants.
  2. If Q<K, then the reaction favors the products.
  3. If Q=K, then the reaction is already at equilibrium.

Gabor Hillerbrand


How do you find the equilibrium composition?

Chemical Equilibrium
  1. At a given temperature, the equilibrium composition is related to the equilibrium constant, Kc.
  2. aA + bB -->cC + dD.
  3. aA + bB <==>cC + dD the equlibrium constant is Kc, for the reaction.
  4. n * (aA + bB <==>cC + dD) the equlibrium constant will be Kcn.

Eriberto Brunet


How does adding NaOH affect equilibrium?

The H+ (aq) concentration can be decreased by adding a solution of sodium hydroxide, NaOH, which contains the hydroxide ion, OH- (aq). The OH- (aq) reacts with H+ (aq) to form H2O, causing a shift in the equilibrium.

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What is the equilibrium yield?

The theoretical yield is the amount predicted by a stoichiometric calculation based on the number of moles of all reactants present. If a reverse reaction occurs, the final state contains both reactants and products in a state of chemical equilibrium.

Mariemma Folke


How does increasing concentration affect equilibrium?

When the concentration of a reactant is increased, the chemical equilibrium will shift towards the products. More product is formed and the concentration of the reactants decreases as the concentration of the products increases.