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Asked by: Cristiana Dadin
music and audio tv and film podcastsDoes it show if you leave a group chat on iPhone?
Furthermore, does it notify when you leave a group iMessage?
I know on an iPhone you can removeyourself from a group text, but the downfall of thisis that it does notify everyone that you leftthe group—so they might still get ruffled. Onan iPhone, you can mute a conversation —that isnot get notifications for it (Go into “Details”and select “Do Not Disturb.")
In this regard, does it show if you leave a group chat on Instagram?
Instagram Help Centre When you leave a group conversation, youwon't get messages from the group unless someone addsyou back to the conversation. To leave a groupmessage in Instagram Direct: Tap in the top right of Feed.Tap Leave Conversation, then tap toconfirm.
Luckily, it's possible to stealthily dip from aconversation without alerting everyone you've gone.Even simpler, you can swipe left on a particularconversation and click "Exit," which will allowyou to remove any chat and all of its accompanyingunwanted notifications without actually leaving theconversation.