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Asked by: Zhihui Torrea
education special educationDoes it take longer for bilingual babies to talk?
Then, does speaking two languages to a baby confuse them?
Just as children can learn to speak intwo languages at once, they can also learn to readand write in two languages at once. While there may bedifferent alphabets, or different sounds of some letters, childrenare able to distinguish between the languagesquitequickly.
Additionally, how long does it take for a child to speak?
Soon those sounds will become real words– "mama" and "dada" may slip out and bring tears to your eyesas early as 6 months. From then on, your baby will pick upmore words from you and everyone else around him. And sometimebetween 18 months and 2 years, he'll begin to form two- tofour-word sentences.
But by the time a baby is about 10 months old, hebegins to narrow down the range of sounds to those that he hearsaround him. So if you want your child to learn a secondlanguage, it's best to introduce it in the first year oflife.