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Asked by: Angelova Hildenbrand
business and finance marketing and advertisingDoes juggling increase IQ?
Yes, juggling increases the brain'sprocessingspeed, because it increases grey matter in thebrain. And itdoes a lot more than that. The benefits ofjugglinginclude that it: improves perception, andspecificallyhand-eye co-ordination and balance.
Keeping this in consideration, does juggling make you smarter?
As we've already mentioned, jugglingincreasesconnectivity in our brains, which sharpens our focus, ourhand-eyecoordination, and our spatial imagination, therebymaking ussmarter.
Then, is Juggling good for the brain?
Juggling might also enhance your brainpower. Anewstudy published in the journal Nature finds that learningtojuggle may cause certain areas of your brain togrow.The type of MRI scans the researchers used allowed them tofocus onstructural changes rather than changes inbrainactivity.
IQ scores become stable aroundtheage of 6 and the stability of IQ increasesasthey get older.