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Asked by: Arcadia Havet
technology and computing tablets and e readersDoes Kindle Paperwhite give off blue light?
Furthermore, does Kindle Paperwhite emit blue light?
Unfortunately, virtually every device we own, fromthe latest iPad to the Samsung Galaxy Note toAmazon's Kindle, has light-emitting diodes that giveoff blue wavelength light. And it's that bluewavelength light that wreaks havoc on our body's melatoninproduction.
One may also ask, is a Kindle considered blue light?
Devices such as the kindle fire, samsung tablets,etc, that have LCD screens emit light, but most can be tunedto reduce the blue light spectrum, easing the eyes duringtimes of rest. The backlight is literally blue.
To use the adjustable screen light on acompatible Kindle, open the Settings menu while reading. Tapthe top of the screen to show the toolbar, and then select theQuick Actions icon. To turn the light to minimumbrightness, press and hold . To turn the light tomaximum brightness, press and hold .