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Asked by: Robustiano Tourna
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesDoes lime juice have the same acidity as lemon juice?
Regarding this, can you substitute lime juice for lemon juice?
Yes, for the most part, limes and lemons can be used interchangeably in recipes. However, it's important to note that lime juice is more acidic than lemon juice, so you may need to use a little less of it than what your recipe calls for. The general rule is 3/4 cup of lime juice substitutes for 1 cup of lemon juice.
Subsequently, question is, is lime juice the same as lemon juice?
When it comes to taste lime juice are much sweeter compared to lemon juice, which has a sour taste. In terms of nourishment, lime is superior to lemon. Both contain citric acid but lime juice contains less than lemon juice.
"Limes" that are the green, hybrid citrus fruits are acidic with citric acid, just like lemons. Both have juice with a pH in the range of 2-3, for limes as in fruit a typical pH level is about 2.8. Like all citrus fruits, lemons and limes are a rich source of ascorbic acid, vitamin C.