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Asked by: Tova Fried
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryDoes local history study local communities?
Beside this, why is local history important?
Local history is the study of history in alocal context, often concentrating on events that affected alocal community: people or places of a particular village oftown. These events could be anything from movements, wars, births,or deaths. Below are three reasons why local history isimportant for our community.
Similarly one may ask, why we should know our history?
The study of history is important becauseit can tell us how we evolved. It can tell us what decisonsworked in particular situations in the past and what didn't.Thus, the main reason behind why we should studyHistory is to ensure that we don't repeat thesame mistakes as our forefathers when History repeatsitself.
Preserving oral history is a critical first phaseof genealogical research and data preservation. Because those whoprovide the information are generally older members of the family,both their lives and their memories are at risk of being lost totime.