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Asked by: Beibei Cancelas
healthy living physical therapyDoes massage help get rid of lactic acid?
Subsequently, one may also ask, what is the fastest way to get rid of lactic acid?
- Stay hydrated. Make sure you're staying hydrated,ideallybefore, during, and after strenuous exercise.
- Rest between workouts.
- Breathe well.
- Warm up and stretch.
- Get plenty of magnesium.
- Drink orange juice.
Also know, how does the body get rid of lactic acid?
When a period of exercise is over, lacticacidmust be removed. Lactic acid is taken to the liverby theblood, and either: oxidised to carbon dioxide and water,or.converted to glucose, then glycogen - glycogen levels in theliverand muscles can then be restored.
Many massage therapists believe1that“toxins” are “flushed” intothebloodstream by massage and then washed away bydrinkingextra water after you get off the table. Exactlywhichtoxins and how they are “flushed”bymassage or washed away by water is completely uncleartoanyone.