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Asked by: Exuperancio Zeideman
family and relationships internet safetyDoes Messenger show as active when on Facebook?
Just so, does Facebook Messenger show active when you're not?
Facebook. It's a common theory FacebookMessenger's last seen notifications are not accurate.Mainly because it is thought if you leave the app orsite open, it will still show you as being"active now" even though you are not physicallybrowsing within it. Others say the status isn't accurate atall.
Keeping this in consideration, is active on Facebook the same as active on messenger?
So “Active now” means they areactive now on facebook whereas “Active 3minutes ago “ indicates they were active inmessenger 3 minutes back.
Answered Jul 3, 2018. It means that person iscurrently on FB messenger! 57.9k views · View 8Upvoters · View Sharers. Does active in Messengermean only Messenger, or can it mean inFacebook, without being on Messenger?