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Asked by: Sukaina Dankesreiter
careers resume writing and adviceDoes Microsoft Word have cover letter template?
Thereof, is there a letter template in Microsoft Word?
Once you go to the “MicrosoftLetterTemplates” page, you can also findlettertemplates by typing in the kind of letter youarelooking for in the search bar in the top right-hand corner.Onceyou have downloaded or opened a letter template file,typeover the text in the file to create your own,personalizedletter.
- Open MS Word.
- Click file from the menu bar on the top of the screen.
- Select new.
- Click the other tab on the new window.
- Highlight résumé wizard and click open.
- Click style, which is located on the left hand side ofthewindow.
- Select the résumé style you want and thenclicknext.
Hereof, how do you structure a cover letter?
The first paragraph of your letter shouldincludeinformation on why you are writing. Mention the position youareapplying for and where you found the job listing. Include thenameof a mutual contact, if you have one. The next section ofyourcover letter should describe what you have to offertheemployer.
Part 2 Writing Your Letter
- Write an engaging first paragraph.
- State where you found the position to which youareapplying.
- Explain why hiring you will benefit the employer.
- Briefly summarize your strengths, qualifications,andexperience.
- Paint a picture of yourself that's not on your resume.