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Asked by: Saturnino Goirigochia
personal finance student financial aidDoes military TA pay for a master's degree?
Similarly one may ask, how much does tuition assistance pay for masters degree?
You may receive 100 percent tuition assistance ifit falls within the limits of the program, which are $4500 per yearand $250 per semester hour. The tuition assistance benefitis standard for all of the armed forces, including Army, Air Force,Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps.
Also know, how does tuition assistance work in the military?
Military Tuition Assistance is a benefit paid toeligible members of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, andCoast Guard. Congress has given each service the ability to pay upto 100% for the tuition expenses of its members. TAis not a loan; it should be viewed as money you have earnedjust like your base pay.
TA is a Public Law that is implemented byDepartment of Defense (DoD) Directive and DoD Instruction, and allSoldiers (officers, warrant officers, enlisted) onactive duty, Army National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers onactive duty (pursuant to U.S. Code Title 10 or Title 32), and TPUSoldiers are authorized to