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Asked by: Norma Dobrica
business and finance green solutionsDoes Modelling clay dissolve in water?
Because rising temperature decreases oil viscosity,themalleability is influenced by heating or cooling theclay.Oil-based clay is not water-soluble. Asit can bere-used, it is a popular material for animation artistswho need tobend and move their models. It is available in amultitude ofcolors and is non-toxic.
Similarly one may ask, does clay dissolve in water?
Clay will not dissolve in water - itisinsoluble.
Subsequently, question is, will air dry clay dissolve in water?
Air-dry clays all“dry”to harden because they'rewater-based, where most all other“clays”are oil-based and can'ttechnically “dry”because there's nowater in them to evaporate out andcausehardening.
Since air dry clay isn't fired, you won't beusingany glaze. Avoiding glaze saves you a lot of money, butremoves themagic of things like colorburst glazes. Just as withregularclay, encourage your students to experiment withdifferentways to add color.