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Asked by: Jhoan Uzcanga
home and garden indoor environmental qualityDoes moisture barrier go up or down?
Accordingly, which side of underlayment goes down?
Get started by rolling out the underlayment with the silver side facing down. The tape strip should be flush up against the wall. Leave the overlapping section on the side that goes out toward the room. You'll need this section later as you continue to unroll your underlayment.
Hereof, does the moisture barrier on carpet padding go up or down?
Moisture Barrier Carpet Padding is a padding which is sealed with a water barrier on the top to prevent moisture from making its way down into the padding and subfloor. It's very popular with pet owners who often have to deal with accidents on the carpet.
The answer is no. We recommend to use duct tape as every hardware store carries this product. Some manufacturers sell specialized tape for underlayment but there is no extra benefit.