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Asked by: Siranush Minjurenko
technology and computing smartphonesDoes MSN Messenger still work 2017?
Keeping this in consideration, can MSN Messenger still be used?
MSN Messenger, later rebranded as WindowsLiveMessenger, is a discontinued cross-platform instantmessagingclient developed by Microsoft. It connected to theMicrosoftMessenger service while also having (as of thefinalversion) compatibility with Yahoo! Messenger andFacebookMessenger.
Also to know, when did MSN Messenger stop?
After October 31st Chinese Messenger userswillneed to use Skype, bringing an end to 15 years of theservice.MSN Messenger started off life in 1999 as a rival toAOL'sAIM service.
Microsoft's Windows Live Messenger willbeswitched off in China in October, marking a final end tothe15-year-old service. Originally known as MSN Messenger,itwas launched in 1999 but was switched off for most users in2013,after Microsoft bought rival Skype.