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Asked by: Manole Wullencord
food and drink desserts and bakingDoes Nabisco still make Triscuits?
In this regard, are triscuits unhealthy?
But they're still very much snack food even ifthey'renot exactly junk food. You shouldn't eat too many of them inonesitting. While they're both baked, Triscuits areessentiallydoused with oil and salt, and each one contains .75grams of fat,20 calories, and 30 milligrams of sodium.
Herein, how Its Made Triscuits?
Nabisco makes its Triscuits in much the samewayit makes its shredded wheat. For shredded wheat,thestrands are piled up, all strands running in the samedirection,and then put through a cutter that forms the biscuits. TomakeTriscuits, the wheat is piled first in one directionandthen in another.
And from there, the Triscuit was born.Productionof the cracker started at an innovative Niagara Falls,N.Y. plant(The Palace of Light) in 1903 with a 2 1/4-inch by 4-inchcrackermarketed as "baked by electricity."