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Asked by: Nichol Felipez
technology and computing cameras and camcordersDoes Nikon d3500 have external mic jack?
D3500 has a built-in Yes microphone and aMono speaker. Nikon D3500 doesn't have anyconnections for external microphones andheadphones.
Likewise, does the Nikon d3500 have a mic input?
No mic input. The Nikon D3500 doesn'toffer a lot of upgrades, but cements its value as a strongentry-level camera thanks to a lower price point.
does Nikon d5300 have external mic jack?
A 3.5mm stereo microphone jack for attachingexternal microphones for video recording is alsoprovided.
*3The D3500 is not equipped with Wi-Ficapability. Therefore, some SnapBridge features available for usewith other Nikon cameras may not be supported, or mayfunction differently when used with the D3500. Remotephotography over a Bluetooth® connection is possibleusing the SnapBridge Ver. 2.5 app.