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Asked by: Latrice Denche
real estate real estate renting and leasingDoes Nissan charge a disposition fee?
People also ask, does Nissan have a disposition fee?
Disposition Fee Waiver You'll also have your $395 dispositionfee waived when you choose to purchase a new Nissan atthe end of your lease.
Regarding this, how much is a disposition fee?
Disposition Fee: This fee is charged bythe leasing company to cover the expense of cleaning up and sellingthe car after you return it at lease end. Most charge between $300and $400.
A disposition fee is a flat fee charged bysome car lessors payable at the end of vehicle lease.The purpose of the disposition fee is to clean up and repairany damage to the vehicle and bring it into a suitablecondition for resale. The disposition fee is specified inthe lease agreement.