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Asked by: Ismaila Ochsenhirt
home and garden home appliancesDoes outlet under sink need to be GFCI?
Correspondingly, do all outlets in the kitchen need to be GFCI?
Kitchens: All receptacles serving countertop areas and any receptacle within 6 feet of a sink must have GFCI protection. Also, the receptacle supplying a dishwasher should be GFCI-protected.
Keeping this in consideration, can you put an electrical outlet under a sink?
Sockets and Switches Electrical sockets or switches should be fitted at a safe distance (it is recommended at least 30cm horizontally) from a sink to avoid the chance of water coming into contact with electricity. Sockets should also be easily accessible.
GFCI protection is required for all 15A and 20A, 125V receptacles that supply kitchen countertop surfaces [210.8(A)(6)]. Receptacle outlets required by 210.52(C)(1) for the countertop space must be located on or above (but not more than 20 in. above) the countertop surface.