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Asked by: Housnia Alampi
medical health digestive disordersDoes Pepto Bismol help with lactose intolerance?
Also, how do you treat lactose intolerance symptoms?
There isn't a cure for lactose intoleranceand no known way to make your body produce more lactase. But youcan manage it if you limit your consumption of dairy products, eatlactose-reduced food, or take an over-the-counter lactasesupplement.
Consequently, do antacids help with lactose intolerance?
You can makechanges in your diet that will help you digest milk and milkproducts or you can get your calcium from other foods. Someantacids, like Tums, have a lot of calcium in them.They make a good calcium supplement if you have to takeantacids anyway.
No interactions were found between Lactaid andPepto-Bismol.This does not necessarily mean nointeractions exist. Always consult your healthcareprovider.