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Asked by: Khaled Echavarren
personal finance credit cardsDoes personal credit affect business credit?
Consequently, is business credit based on personal credit?
Personal credit is what you build byshowingtrustworthiness when it comes to paying your bills on timeand infull, from credit cards to automobile loans to homeloans.Doing so increases your credit standing. However,it'simportant to remember your personal credit shouldbeseparate from your business credit.
- Incorporate your business.
- Obtain a federal tax identification number (EIN).
- Open a business bank account.
- Establish a business phone number.
- Open a business credit file.
- Obtain business credit card(s).
- Establish a line of credit with vendors or suppliers.
Subsequently, question is, can my LLC affect my personal credit?
In a few instances, interest in anLLC,corporation, or limited partnership bankruptcy mightaffectyour individual credit report.Personalguarantee. If it is, it will most certainlyaffect yourcredit. Certain types of businesstaxes.
Once you have one, then you can use EIN toapplyfor a credit card. You can also applyfor asmall business loan to begin to build the creditassociatedwith your EIN. Before applying for a lineofcredit, loan or bank account, you need an EIN.Youcan start by filling out an application foranEIN number here.