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Asked by: Flossie Maristany
food and drink world cuisinesDoes pickle juice have to be refrigerated?
A: No, while some consumers preferPickleJuice® chilled, it is completely shelf stableanddoes not require refrigeration. If a bottleofPickle Juice® has beenpartiallyconsumed using direct mouth to bottle contact then it isadvisableto re-cap and refrigerate anyremainingproduct.
Also, do pickles go bad if not refrigerated?
One more thing that makes them perfect: they can lastareally, really long time. Pickles can last for as longas1-2 years past the expiration date printed on their jars.That'swhether you store them in the refrigerator or not,providedthey've been properly sealed.
Additionally, how long do Pickles last out of the fridge?
Pickles Expiration Date
Product | Pantry (Unopened) | Refrigerator (Opened) |
Past Printed Date | Past Printed Date | |
Pickles last for | 1-2 Years | 1-2 Years |
Pickled Peppers last for | 1-2 Years | 1-2 Years |
Pickled Corn lasts for | 1-2 Years | 1-2 Years |
The juice contains vinegar, which isfermented,and good for your gut. Researchers also found thatpicklejuice can slow down gastric emptying. If you do nothave anyhealth problems and can tolerate salt, then do not feelguiltyabout drinking pickle juice inmoderation.