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Asked by: Adonina Overmohle
home and garden indoor environmental qualityDoes plastic expand more than metal?
Herein, does metal expand more than glass?
You really cannot generalize between metal andglass. Overall glass has a smaller temperatureexpansion coefficient than most, and I repeat mostmetals. There are exceptions, for instance beryllium has asmaller expansion coefficient than doesglass.
Just so, does aluminum expand more than steel?
(Steel has the same value as iron.) Thecoefficient for aluminum is 2.4, twice that of iron orsteel. This means that an equal temperature change willproduce twice as much change in the length of a bar ofaluminum as for a bar of iron. Lead is among the mostexpansive solid materials, with a coefficient equal to3.0.
Metals expand when you heat them, so thecircle should expand. There's no real difference between thecircle and a hole (of the same size) cut out of it. Thecircle is, in effect, the circumference of the hole you putinto it. So the hole will get larger.