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Asked by: Iacob Strauch
family and relationships pregnancyDoes pregnancy test work after 3 months?
Simply so, how long into pregnancy will a test show positive?
If you get a positive test result on the firstday of your missed period, it's probably about 2 weeks since youconceived. You can use the pregnancy due datecalculator to work out when your baby is due. More sensitivetests may be able to confirm that you're pregnantfrom as early as around 8 days after conception.
Just so, will a pregnancy test work later in pregnancy?
For the most reliable results, test 1-2 weeksafter you miss your period. If you think you are pregnant,but your first test was negative, you can take thetest again after several days. Since the amount of hCGincreases rapidly when you are pregnant, you may get apositive test on later days.
Yes! Home pregnancy tests can give falsenegative results. As Dr. Roshan explains, a woman's hCG leveldoubles every 48 to 72 hours, so if you reallyare pregnant, it won't be negative for long. Take anothertest in a few days—or around a week after your missedperiod—and you can trust the results.