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Asked by: Arhane Hueso
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesDoes putting lemon in your hair make it blonde?
Lemon juice is one of the easiest and mostcommonways to lighten hair. The heat of the sun openshaircuticles and the lemon juice lifts color, whichallows thesun to bleach your strands. Squeeze freshlemon juiceand add it to a spray bottle along with ateaspoon of oil to keepyour hair from dryingout.
Furthermore, how long does it take for lemon juice to lighten hair?
An hour or two of sun exposure with lemonjuicein your hair can lighten your hairsubtly. Youwill have to repeat the process for 3 to 4 days forprominentresults. Frequent use of lemon can discolor yourhairand damage your scalp.
Beside this, can we apply lemon directly on hair?
Add a few drops of lemon juice to yourregularhair shampoo or conditioner and massage into youhairfor about ten minutes before rinsing off with cold water.Regularapplication will soothe your itchy scalp. Split ends:Simplymix equal amounts of olive oil and lemon juiceandapply the mixture on your hair.
- Squeeze the juice from three fresh lemons.
- Add two parts lemon juice and one part leave-in conditioner toaspray bottle.
- Protect your skin with a layer of sunscreen.
- Spritz the mixture all over your hair for a full dye.
- Use a cotton ball soaked with the mixture to highlightspecificstrands.