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Asked by: Euclides Lykasov
business and finance management consulting industryDoes PwC do management consulting?
Accordingly, what does a management consultant do exactly?
Management consultants help businesses improvetheir performance and grow by solving problems and finding new andbetter ways of doing things. It's not just in the private sectoreither – many firms work with public sector organisations tohelp develop their services and, where necessary, reduce costs andmake savings.
Likewise, people ask, what is advisory services in PwC?
Advisory services. PwC advisory practice,which comprises Deals and Consulting, is the partner of choice toassist global, local clients and governments.
Consulting usually entails custom work, whereascompliance or less customized advisory work is usually basedon research that's already been done and is more repeatable, e.g.,audits. She said: A major difference is, of course, the fee thatconsultants can charge versus what auditors or tax preparerscharge.