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Asked by: Abdulaziz Harlap
home and garden indoor environmental qualityDoes reliance rent furnaces?
Furthermore, how much does it cost to rent a furnace?
Typically, furnace rental cost can vary between the prices of $49.99 and $89.99 per month with contract terms being either 7 years, 10 years, or 15 years. The majority of furnace rental programs do not require any sort of down payment or additional installation cost.
Keeping this in view, is it better to rent or own a furnace?
Renting a furnace is also cheaper initially, since you make low monthly payments. However, these payments disappear, with companies needing continual rent, whereas, when you buy a furnace, the costs have an end and result in new property.
Renting a Furnace Rarely Saves Money For top-of-the-line custom comfort solutions, the costs can run even higher. Compare that to the monthly cost of renting a furnace in Ontario (approximately $175 to $250, depending on the deal) and the rental option looks far more affordable.