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Asked by: Dionicio Garcia Noblejas
medical health digestive disordersDoes rice water help diarrhea?
Thereof, does rice water stop diarrhea?
White rice and water can be beneficialwhenyou have diarrhea. Diarrhea is defined as havingthreeor more loose, watery stools a day. It's unpleasant and canalso bedangerous if left untreated. So if you have it, it's agoodbet you'll want to get rid of it as quicklyaspossible.
Similarly, how does white rice water help diarrhea?
Recipe for Rice Water Quick version: Measure and pour approximately 1-2cupsof water into a pot, add about ½ cup ofrice(regular white or brown rice – NOTinstant).Boil for about 10 minutes, until waterbecomescloudy. Strain rice, SAVINGthewater.
To settle an upset stomach or stop diarrhea,makea rice “tea.” Boil 1/2 cup of rice insixcups of water for about 15 minutes. Strain outtherice, then flavour the water with a dash of honeyorsugar and drink warm.