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Asked by: Andreu Virumbrales
technology and computing computer networkingDoes router work without modem?
Simply so, do u need a modem and router?
To bring the internet into your home, you'regoing to need a modem. Your modem shares thisconnection with a computer or a router via an Ethernetcable. Modems aren't one-size-fits-all solutions; the typeof modem you'll need depends on the type of internetservice you receive. If that's DSL, you'llneed a DSL modem.
Subsequently, one may also ask, do I need a modem with a Nighthawk router?
A: Yes, you need an internet provider to accessthe internet with this router. A: No, the NETGEARNighthawk is just a router, not a modem. You'llneed to use a modem in combination with thisrouter to get your network up and running. It willwork with nearly any modem.
The difference between a modem and arouter is that a modem connects to the internet,while a router connects devices to Wi-Fi. It's easy to getthe two devices mixed up if your internet service provider (ISP)rents both to you as part of an internet package.