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Asked by: Herma Lightfoot
hobbies and interests stamps and coinsDoes silver plate flatware have any value?
In this regard, what are silver plates worth?
So, when one hears or sees the phraseEnglishplate, it refers to good, old silver that wasmade inEngland by their expert goldsmiths and then assayed orhallmarkedin the appropriate manner. These items were 92.5%puresilver and 7.5% a copper or copper alloy.
Moreover, how do you tell if silverware is pure silver?
Look for a mark on the silverware of 925,STERLINGor 925/1000. The mark is usually found on the underside ofthe pieceof flatware. One of these marks is a surefire wayto tellif your flatware is made of sterlingsilver. Put amagnet on the silverware to seeif it is attracted toit.
How to Clean Tarnished Silver Plated Silverware
- Place 2 tsp. each of baking soda and salt into the pan.
- Fill the pan with water. Make sure you cover allthesilverware.
- Bring the water to a boil. Continue to boil for five to10minutes or until the silverware is clean.
- Let it cool. Remove silverware and dry completely with asoftcotton cloth.