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Asked by: Samual Lenhart
home and garden indoor environmental qualityDoes spray foam stick to radiant barrier?
Beside this, can you spray foam over radiant barrier?
By combining radiant barrier foil with spray foam insulation you create two defenses for reducing heat flow into your home. So you can't just glue it to the shingles and add the foam afterward. The barrier reflects only radiant heat, which forms only in an air space.
Then, is spray foam better than radiant barrier?
Open-celled spray-in foam insulation is by far superior to a traditional radiant barrier which is a foil-like thing that you can either tack to the rafters or lay on the floor of your attic. Radiant barrier laid on the attic floor is better than painted on radiant barrier.
If you are installing any type of roof that has an air space (either built in by the shape of the tiles or because of a batten system), then you should most definitely install a radiant barrier! These types of roofs are usually clay tile or slate roofs, metal shingle roofs & some standing seam metal roofs.